Whether its portrayed by a family member...that is in dire need of medical attention for a loved one, or an administrator whose number one priority is balancing the financial burden of a medical institution, or the feelings that all medical personnel and administrators experience on a daily basis...because in my opinion...this may be the greatest episode ever to be televised on TNT or any other network. There's nothing better for a viewer to experience...when it comes to touching a soul, while cleverly using different point of views, when the final objective should always be...saving the life of a human being!
If you haven't seen this particular episode...or watched any of the new TNT series that is getting ready to start its second season, get ready to experience a great television. Jada Pinkett-Smith and the rest of the cast of Hawthorne, give a very powerful performance. See for yourself and you will undoubtedly be amazed by this great television series
Summary: Christina leaves Bobbie in charge of the entire hospital nursing staff while she goes into budget battles with Morrissey, who gives Christina until the end of the day to lay off six nurses. The order couldn't come at a worse time for Kelly, who gets into trouble when she refutes Dr. Marshall's treatment for a stroke patient. Nor could it come at a worse time for the ER, which becomes the scene of a devastating tragedy.
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